The Sustainable Subdivisions Framework (SSF) is supported by a number of resources, including materials and a training package specifically developed to enable its successful implementation. The SSF resources have been designed to evolve over time as we incorporate the learnings from the trial.

Information for subdivision planning applicants

Submitting a subdivision planning application at one of the SSF Participating Councils? Download the relevant Applicant Kit and Template below for instructions on how you can participate in the SSF Trial.

Small Subdivisions 3-15 lots

Applicant Kit for Small Subdivisions

SSF Subdivision Sustainability Management Plan for Small Subdivisions – Template

Medium Subdivisions 16 – 59 lots

Applicant Kit for Medium Subdivisions

SSF Subdivision Sustainability Management Plan for Medium Subdivisions – Template

Large Subdivisions 60 – 249 lots

Applicant Kit for Large Subdivisions

SSF Subdivision Sustainability Management Plan for Large Subdivisions – Template

Very Large Subdivisions 250+ lots

Applicant Kit for Very Large Subdivisions

SSF Subdivision Sustainability Management Plan for Very Large Subdivisions – Template

Sample Plans

These sample plans visually communicate information requirements for submission to council.

SSF Background Report

The background report to the Sustainable Subdivisions Framework can be found here.

Glossary of Terms

Our Glossary and Key Terms provide a list of relevant framework terminology.


Our FAQ’s provide applicants with answers to frequently asked questions about the Framework and addressing the 7 categories.

Fact Sheets

These fact sheets explain the SSF, the key information requirements and provide details to applicants on the key aspects of each category.

Case studies

These case studies provide real examples of what can be achieved in each category.

Video Case studies

Our short video case studies of the above projects include interviews with the developers, and go into detail about how projects can meet the objectives in each of the SSF categories.

Visit our video showcase page here.


Planning News, December 2020, The Sustainable Subdivisions Framework: ‘How to’ – guiding the shift towards low carbon communities.