Sustainability in planning

CASBE councils are applying a range of tools from the Victorian Planning Provisions to support the delivery of resilient, healthy and sustainable buildings and communities.

Sustainable Design Assessment in the Planning Process (SDAPP) Framework

To deliver the sustainability objectives within their planning schemes, Victorian councils have worked together for over two decades to develop and implement a consistent and rigorous framework for assessing sustainability in the planning approvals process.


The SDAPP Framework:

  • Recognises the role of local governments as a statutory authority for planning matters
  • Provides a framework for consideration of sustainable design elements of planning applications
  • Offers a consistent method for identifying opportunities for improved environmental building performance
  • Ensures that sustainability is considered at the very early design phase. This is the best time to maximise opportunities for good orientation and other initiatives that create liveable, comfortable, efficient buildings.

The framework is supported by the BESS tool and the Sustainable Design fact Sheets.

Any Victorian council is welcome to join CASBE and implement the framework in their municipality. Please contact us for more information.

Read about how the development industry is considering ESD in the design of buildings.

Sustainable Design Fact Sheets 

The Sustainable Design Fact Sheets are a series of information sheets aimed at the development industry. They outline Best Practice Standards and offer sustainable design advice.  

The Sustainable Design Fact Sheets are now available online here.

Operational Energy

Embodied Carbon


Integrated Water Management

Urban Ecology

Indoor Environment Quality

Waste and Resource Recovery



A consolidated list of Best Practice Standards can be found here.

A summary of the assessment framework can be found here.


CASBE maintains these Fact Sheets on behalf of our member councils. 



The Built Environment Sustainability Scorecard (BESS) is the recommended sustainability assessment tool under SDAPP Framework.