August 18, 2022

Let's go for zero

Councils from across Victoria have joined forces to push for more sustainable design within planning requirements.  

In a show of unity across the local government sector, 24 councils – through CASBE – lodged a planning scheme amendment with the State Government on 21 July 2022, seeking to introduce planning policy that elevates sustainability requirements for new buildings and encourages a move towards net zero carbon development. The 24 councils represent approximately half the Victorian population and planning activity. 

Along with the amendment, the councils wrote to the new Minister for Planning Lizzie Blandthorn asking her to support the amendment and to acknowledge that the current planning requirements do not reflect the urgency needed to tackle climate change. 

The amendment seeks to build on the current Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD) requirements for new developments and in doing so, better protect the natural environment, reduce resource and energy consumption, and support the health and wellbeing of future occupants.