June 15, 2022

DELWP ESD Roadmap – Stage 1 PPF changes gazetted

CASBE welcomes the gazettal of the first stage of the DELWP ESD Roadmap project by the Minister for Planning on Friday June 10, 2022 

We particularly acknowledge the addition of the consideration of climate change into the purpose of Victoria Planning Provisions and all planning schemes. 

CASBE congratulates the state government on Planning Scheme Amendment VC216 that strengthens consideration of water management, cooling and greening, air and noise pollution and recycling and resource recovery in the Victorian Planning system.   

We would also like to acknowledge the member councils who have worked together to provide feedback to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) throughout this process, including the contributions made to CASBE’s submission to the ESD Roadmap project in March 2021.  

The changes to the Planning Policy Framework (PPF) are broadly supportive of CASBE’s goals.

These changes are a testament to the dedicated, long-term effort by local government in pursuing sustainability outcomes in the built environment.